waterfront toronto

What’s your park personality?


Toronto is experiencing a “Public Realm Renaissance”, due in large part to the efforts of Waterfront Toronto to promote design excellence in landscape and urban design. As Waterfront Toronto continues to design, activate and plan for new public spaces in the city, their desire is to continuously engage the Greater Toronto Area to further refine their work and reflect the needs and wants of these communities.

The Waterfront Toronto’s engagement goals were to:
- Start a dialogue with the public about their experiences & expectations for Toronto’s Parks, that were interactive and visually engaging
- Educate the public about the incredible variety of spaces and experiences the City has to offer
- Showcase Waterfront Toronto as a leader in the planning & design of Toronto Parks
- Nurture safe civic spaces by encouraging more visits to parks

The engagement module functioned as a fun ‘BuzzFeed type’ personality quiz that matches participants to 6 possible public space user personas* to 10 different public spaces typologies in Toronto.

Photography: Harry Choi
